Back To Basics ……

Today I have gone back to basics. What I mean is that I have started using affirmations again. 

I have all these ‘tools’ that I know work and can change how life is on a daily basis but I just don’t seem to keep these good habits going. So then before I catch myself I’m on that downward spiral of doom and gloom. A disappointment can send me off ranting and cussing myself.  I tell myself how useless I am, that I will never get to live life the way I choose. I then convince myself I don’t deserve anything anyway and the law of attraction, the gratitude thing and trying to be the best I can be is a load of b……. !

Of course I know that it’s the worst thing you can do to yourself. I wouldn’t speak to a friend like I speak to myself. Putting her down. Making her believe that she is worthless. I’m very good at telling others to be kind, patient and caring to themselves but not so good at it myself ! I know that so many of us have the same battle and it saddens me. 

So I thought I’d best take my own advice. Hence the affirmations, one of the very first things I learnt many years ago. Today I have been muttering repeatedly, even singing my affirmation for the day. “Life is getting better and better”. Its helped, a lot. There were moments when my mind started on the ‘ I”m bored, I’m fed up ‘ trail but I managed to pull it back. My day at work passed quickly, my headache eased and I’ve even managed to sit here and write.

I will expand my affirmations as the days go on. It’s the simplest way to quiet those demons !!

affirmation 2





5 thoughts on “Back To Basics ……

    1. Jacki Post author

      Thank you so much. my header is a scribble. I do a lot of scribbles. They keep me sane…ish ! Being positive isn’t always so easy. It usually occurs when I am getting on my own nerves lol. Thank you for reading my post x

  1. trellabrazil

    this is as if I am reading my own words, this happens to me ALL………ALL…the time. I have more training in how to have peace and self esteem and all of that than the ocean has salt, but i don’t USE it…very often. I too started using my tools again, I listened to a recording by Shakti Gawain of affirmations for a few minutes yesterday and it made things better right away. One thing that helps me is either reading or hearing a voice recording of these ideas, and just listening to them, allowing those ideas to be present along side my self berating etc…then just pick which one feels best and you know what that is…thank you for this post.

    1. Jacki Post author

      Ah I’m so grateful to you for telling me this. We often believe we are the only ones who do this to ourselves when actually most of us do. Why do we let it all slip, I wonder ? At my age you would think that I would have it sorted. Yet another reason to give myself a hard time lol. At least we have the tools to pick up, when we remember. Thank you for your comment. What a difference just a few simple words make to our days. I may be calling on you if I forget, which is very likely !! Thank you again and please be kind to yourself x


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